12/16 22:20 Mina

Bonnet E Sana|T159|B87|W54|H85

Good evening, my name is Mina Horii!


I would like to tell you about my personal boom.

I think many masters know that I like bondage.


I like bondage because it feels like The SM and it excites me.

When I\’m tied up, I can\’t do anything and I\’m helpless, so the feeling of not knowing what he\’s going to do to me makes me nervous.


Will the master\’s big hard cock be in my mouth or rubbed on my face?


Or will he urinate or face-fuck me while I\’m tied up?


Just the thought of it makes me shudder with excitement.


She is said to be cute by many masters, and we are sure that this master will make a mess of her face.


We hope you will choose Mina Horii as your partner.



Her recent boom is face and urine face shooting.


Some masters want to try candlelight because it\’s cold, but they think it\’s too much trouble, so please tease me with your stick.


I will serve you a lot, handsome.


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